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Animated Gifs A Quick Guide

Animated GIFs: A Quick Guide

What is a GIF?

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a popular format for creating and sharing animated images on the web. Unlike static images, GIFs can contain multiple frames that change over time, creating the illusion of animation.

Comparison with Other File Types

GIFs are distinct from other image file formats like JPEGs and PNGs. JPEGs are designed for high-quality photos but can lose detail when compressed. PNGs support transparency but are not animated. GIFs strike a balance between compression and animation capabilities.

Creating GIFs in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful software for creating and editing animated GIFs. By following these six simple steps, you can easily create professional-looking GIFs:

  1. Import images or videos into Photoshop.
  2. Create a new animation timeline.
  3. Add frames to the timeline and adjust timing.
  4. Optimize the GIF for size and quality.
  5. Export the GIF as a web-friendly file.
