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Grand Jury Selection Goes Virtual

Grand Jury Selection Goes Virtual

Virtual Process Ensures Safe and Efficient Jury Selection

Step-by-Step Guide for Virtual Jury Summons

In response to the ongoing pandemic, WEB State has implemented a virtual jury selection process for its grand juries. This innovative approach ensures the continued functioning of the justice system while prioritizing the safety and health of jurors and court staff.

The virtual selection process comprises the following steps:

  1. Jury Summons Mailed: Potential jurors receive jury summonses in the mail, instructing them to participate in the virtual selection process.
  2. Virtual Jury Pool: Selected potential jurors join a virtual jury pool using Zoom, a secure video conferencing platform.
  3. Questionnaires Completed: Jurors complete questionnaires online, providing background information and insights into their qualifications.
  4. Virtual Voir Dire: The judge and attorneys conduct voir dire (questioning) of the potential jurors via Zoom, assessing their suitability for service.
  5. Final Selection: The judge and attorneys select the final grand jury panel from the virtual pool.


The implementation of a virtual grand jury selection process is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of the justice system in the face of unprecedented challenges. By embracing technology, WEB State has found a way to continue the essential work of administering justice while protecting the health and safety of all involved. This innovative approach sets a precedent and showcases how the legal system can evolve to meet the demands of the modern era.
